CPA To Consider Application For 128 Bedrooms On Rev. Blackman Road, WB Loop Cayman Islands

The content originally appeared on: Cayman Compass

At its next meeting on April 10, 2024, the Central Planning Authority (CPA) will consider an application to build 64 apartments with 128 bedrooms, 96 car parking spaces, and 100 bike racks on Block 4E Parcel 61, Rev. Blackman Road & Stadium Drive, in West Bay. Similar to other proposals for large projects in the West Bay area, Government agencies raised concerns regarding stormwater management and flooding.

Regarding potential flooding, the National Roads Authority (NRA) said, “The applicant is encouraged to implement state-of-the-art techniques that manage stormwater runoff within the subject parcel and retain existing drainage characteristics of the site as much as is feasible through innovative design and the use of alternative construction techniques.”

The NRA added: “However, it is critical that the development be designed so that post-development stormwater runoff is no worse than pre-development runoff.”

The NRA continued:

To that effect, the following requirements should be observed:

The applicant shall demonstrate, prior to the issuance of any Building Permits, that the Stormwater Management system is designed to embrace storm water runoff produced from a rainfall with an intensity of 2 inches per hour for one hour of duration and ensure that surrounding properties and/or nearby roads are not subject to stormwater runoff from the subject site.The stormwater management plan shall include spot levels (existing and finished levels) with details of the overall runoff scheme. Please have the applicant provide this information prior to the issuance of a building permit.Construct a gentle ‘hump’ at the entrance/exit (along the entire width of each driveway) in order to prevent stormwater runoff from and onto Reverend Blackman Road and Stadium Drive. Suggested dimensions of the ‘hump’ would be a width of 6 feet and a height of 2- 4 inches. Trench drains abutting the road are not acceptable.Curbing is required for the parking areas to control stormwater runoff.Roof water runoff should not drain freely over the parking area or onto the surrounding property. Note that unconnected downspouts are not acceptable. We recommend piped connection to catch basins or alternative stormwater detention devices.

The Department of Environment (DoE) also made comments.

The DoE said:

… due to its low-lying nature and on-site freshwater vegetation, the southern area of the site has served as a drainage basin for the surrounding area during times of heavy rainfall.

With the conversion of this valuable habitat to hardstanding, drainage must be properly assessed.

We recommend that stormwater is managed on-site to avoid run-off and prevent the flooding of adjacent properties and that wetland vegetation is retained where possible to assist with on-site drainage.

In addition to the above flooding concerns, the Planning Department analysis in the CPA agenda noted that the CPA will determine whether the project is suitable for the area given that it “is in a high-density area which appears to be saturated with single family homes and apartments.”

Lastly, the CPA will consider bedroom density, saying further that “As proposed, the applicant is seeking a bedroom variance from the Authority, proposed at 128 vs 107 or a difference of 21 bedrooms over the maximum allowed permissible under regulations 9 (6)(c) for this 2.56 acres.”

The applicant’s letter supported the application for 21 additional rooms by noting that, based on the  “critical shortage of suitable accommodation for labor-intensive industries” and Cayman’s projected population growth “reaching 98,000 by 2025 and 115,000 by 2030, “Stadium Drive is explicitly designed to address this current and future market demand.”

The applicant added: “To meet the demand and support the feasibility of the development, we request the CPA consider a variance of 21 bedrooms as part of the application.”

The proposal will be discussed at the CPA’s next meeting on April 10,  2024, at 10:00 am in Conference Room 1038, 1st Floor, Government Administration Building, 133 Elgin Avenue, George Town.