Firebrand Nadia Martin-Caliz new BNTU President

The content originally appeared on: Amandala Newspaper

Photo: Nadia Martin-Caliz – BNTU National President Elect

BELMOPAN, Thurs. Apr. 4, 2024

In a blowout, former president of the Belize National Teachers’ Union Stann Creek Branch, Nadia Martin-Caliz today won the national presidency of the Union. Her decisive victory was secured with 445 votes compared to the 115 votes cast in favour of her only other rival, Ifásínà Efunyemi, also of the BNTU’s Stann Creek Branch. The by-election took place during the second and final day of the Union’s 54th annual convention held at the Our Lady of Guadalupe High School in the capital city, Belmopan. A total of 560 votes were cast. The majority of her support came from the Stann Creek Branch, followed by the Belmopan Branch and then the Belize City Branch.

In an interview as counting was getting underway after 4 p.m. today, Martin-Caliz shared why she decided to offer herself up for the position. She remarked, “I’ve been paying attention to the direction our Union has been taking, and that is not the BNTU that I joined; and I believe that those of us who are stalwarts, who understand what BNTU represents to this country, we need it to come back and put us back on the platform where we were.” She also has the requisite experience. Martin-Caliz has been a member of the BNTU for some 30 years. She served in various capacities including as school representative and branch president as well as on the BNTU’s Council of Management. Over the years, Martin-Caliz developed a reputation as a firebrand unionist on the frontlines.

Martin-Caliz campaigned on a platform titled, “Join the Change.” Her commitments feature job security, institutional strengthening, better benefits and an improved BNTU brand. She affirmed, “I’m quite certain if you hear certain things about our Union, they’re not things you like to hear, and I don’t like to hear it. So we have to come back to what we were and better. That is key.”

Martin-Caliz was confident she had garnered the majority of votes as she says she ensured she connected with members during her campaign to find out what changes they would want to see within the Union. She formally assumes office at the start of July 2024.

Efunyemi campaigned on a platform of bringing integrity back to the BNTU. In the 2023 election, Efunyemi received 226 votes while Ruth Shoman garnered 356, and a third contender, Ray Martinez received 71 votes.

While the post of national BNTU president is for two years, this election comes mid-term due to the resignation of then president, Ruth Shoman in September 2023. She assumed office in July of 2023 but stepped down just two months later, due to an internal challenge of her eligibility. First Vice President Jorge Mejia has been acting as national president in the interim. During this week’s convention, he described it as a good experience which he is learning from, and which may assist him with the leadership position he holds.

The theme for the Union’s 54th Annual Convention was, “Unite and Thrive: 54 years of BNTU Pride.” Apart from the usual entertainment, it also featured approval by the membership of an amended BNTU Constitution.