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Price Family Home becomes a Place of Public Education

23 September 2024
This content originally appeared on Amandala Newspaper.
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by Charles Gladden

BELIZE CITY, Thurs. Sept. 19, 2024

A small ceremony was held near midday today on Pickstock Street in Belize City to celebrate the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the National Institute of Culture and History (NICH) and the Price family to transform the home of the late Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price into a Place of Public Education.

The home is situated at #3 Pickstock Street, Lot #1114. This site, where Price grew up, is recognized for its immense national historical value and will be repurposed for public benefit.

“The National Institute of Culture and History is being given the great responsibility to guide the process of restoring the Price family home into a digitally connected public classroom, an immersive learning space,” said Minister of Education, Hon. Francis Fonseca.

He further mentioned, “We must celebrate the essence of George Price beyond his titles as Premier, Prime Minister or Father of the Nation. What truly defined him was his deep empathy and his unwavering commitment to fighting for freedom and independence.”

As Minister Fonseca mentioned, NICH will transform the structure into an educational environment that will feature a classroom and lecture hall equipped with modern technology to foster historical and cultural education, as well as a botanical and sculpture garden in the expansive yard, promoting biodiversity and artistic expression.

The home, which was rebuilt after being destroyed in 1931, became a key part of the anti-colonial movement in Belize.

In 1949, Price along with other prominent individuals in Belize’s history – Leigh Richardson, Philip Goldson, and Nicholas Pollard – formed the People’s Committee, and the following year, the People’s United Party (PUP) came into being.

At the house on Pickstock Street documents were drafted, including memorials to the King of England and letters to the United Nations advocating for Belize’s self-determination and independence.

“Its backyard hosted numerous protests, with provocative placards aimed at British officials. For nearly 30 years, it was the center of secret plots, good plots, and the battleground for Belize’s journey from self-government to independence, shaping the nation’s path,” Minster Fonseca said.

“So many important events happened there, from signing agreements and protests, meetings; a lot of the history of Belize is right there over in that building, so we need to be able to do everything possible to protect it so that our people, especially our young people, can come and visit and get better, a sure appreciation of the work on the part of the nation,” said Prime Minister of Belize, Hon. John Briceño.

After the ceremony, a marble plaque was unveiled featuring the inscription: “Price Family Home/Birthplace of George Price/Father of the Belizean Nation.” The inscriptions were translated into various languages spoken in Belize.