The content originally appeared on: The Anguillian Newspaper

The Anguilla Renewable Energy Programme (AREP), under the Ministry of Infrastructure, Communication, Utilities, Housing & Tourism (MICUH&T) in collaboration with the Department of Natural Resources, celebrates the thirty-five (35) trainees upon their completion of its four-day Electric Vehicle Training Programme on 29 February 2024.

This landmark initiative represents the first publicly available training programme regarding electric vehicles in Anguilla, marking a significant step towards the island’s transition to electric mobility.

Facilitated by consultants on the National Electric Vehicle Transition Plan (NEVTP) activity, AREP welcomed a diverse cohort of trainees, including TVET students and teachers, fleet managers, electric vehicle owners, mechanics, and public sector officers from the Renewable Energy Unit, Fire and Rescue Service and Department of Infrastructure.

Their varied backgrounds underscore the broad interest and commitment to embracing electric vehicles (EVs) as part of Anguilla’s sustainable future.

Throughout the programme, participants gained insights into various aspects of electric mobility, including key components of EVs, types of EVs and charging technologies, and infrastructure. Training sessions and live demonstrations covered topics such as the fundamental differences between internal combustion engine vehicles and battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and skill set, tools and equipment, and safety in BEV servicing.

On behalf of the AREP Team, Travis Carty, Project Coordinator, expressed pride in the dedication and enthusiasm demonstrated by the trainees. “This initiative not only equipped participants with practical knowledge and skills but also sets the stage for Anguilla’s transition to a cleaner transportation sector,” he stated. “As part of our larger project aimed at streamlining Anguilla’s energy sector towards a sustainable future, AREP is committed to building capacity and providing proof-of-concept initiatives like this training programme.”

Over the past five months, the NEVTP consultants have been diligently working on several key outputs. These include:

1. a Diagnostic Report examining the current state of Anguilla’s transportation sector and its readiness for EV adoption;

2. the National Electric Vehicle Transition Plan, designed to guide Anguilla’s approach to transportation electrification;3. a Draft Electric Mobility Transition Strategy (EMTS), comprising short- and medium-term action plans to transition towards more energy-efficient vehicles; and

4. methods for Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning (MEAL) of the NEVTP, with an emphasis on training MICUH&T staff for effective implementation.

In the coming weeks, AREP will launch more of its capacity building initiatives aimed at strengthening the energy sector in three main areas: Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy and Green Financing.

The AREP Team looks forward to continuing its engagement with the residents of Anguilla and stakeholders in Anguilla’s energy transition. For more information about AREP and its initiatives, follow @micuhtanguilla or contact the AREP Team at [email protected].